Answered By: 포스텍 청암학술정보관
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2019     Views: 110

[How to use the Smart Locker]

1. Select the "Smart Locker" on the Main Screen.

2. Registering & Authorizing: Scan Your Student ID Card.

3. Select the locker you want to use. Each color means..

  •  Blue: Empty
  •  Gray: Occupied
  •  Red: Yours (When You select the locker#, it turns red)

4. Select the period of time you want to use. The options you have..

  • 1DAY: 500won 
  • 3DAYS: 1,500won
  • 6DAYS: 3,000 won

5. Set the PIN Number and retype it : 6 digit only

6. Type the cellular phone number.

7. Confirm the payment.

8. Open Locker and put your belongings into the locker.

[Reopen the locker]

1. Scan Your ID Card

2. Type the PIN Number

3. Open Locker

4. Decide to use continually or not.

As to Smart Locker, please ask to the department of Health, Safety and Security Management

☎ 279-2450.


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