Answered By: 포스텍 청암학술정보관
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2019     Views: 94


You can request items only if those are out on loan(checked-out by someone) or located on the Closed Stacks.

[Requesting Items]

1. Search an item and Click the "Request" button. (it shows only if it's holdable)

2. Check the Volumes, Copies and Mark an item you want to request.

3. Check the Status field(Due date or Other Requestors), then you can estimate the date you can get that item.

  •  For an example, "STATUS: DUE 12-10-04" means...the user who holds the item can hold it until Oct 4th, 2012.
  •  if it shows "STATUS: DUE 12-10-04+1", Another user is waiting that item and s/he have priority.

4. After requesting an items, An automated email is sent to the user who hold it currently. And if S/he will return it, you will also get an email notification from the library once requested items become available.

5. Items remain on the hold shelf for 5 days.

6. Requests can be viewed or deleted through My Library after login with HEMOS ID.



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