Answered By: 포스텍 청암학술정보관
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2019     Views: 8198

안녕하세요. Endnote 탭이 워드 내에서 사라진 경우 아래 방법을 사용해 보세요.

Endnote 매뉴얼에 따르면 Word 2010에서 상단의 MS Office 리본> 옵션에서 해당 기능을 Enable할 수 있습니다.

아래 매뉴얼을 참고하시고 다른 문의사항이 있으면 회신주세요. 감사합니다.

EndNote: CWYW tools are disabled and missing in Word.

This Article is intended to restore the EndNote CWYW tools. If you’ve never seen the EndNote tools loaded in Word, please see the Article with installation steps for your version of EndNote and Word.

Word 2007/2010:

  1. Word 2007: Click on the Office icon and select "Word Options."
    Word 2010: Click on the File ribbon and select "Options."
  2. Click on "Add-ins."
  3. Change the "Manage" options to "Disabled Items."
  4. Click Go.
  5. Highlight any EndNote item(s) and click "Enable."
  6. Click OK.

If prompted, select to allow the file(s) to be loaded by Word. Close and re-open Word when this is done.

If you are still getting this error message, make sure you have updated EndNote with the latest updates. The directions for installing the updates can be found here.

Once the patch has been installed, reboot your machine and do the following to configure EndNote:

Click the Start menu > Programs (or All Programs) > EndNote > Configure EndNote. Install the Cite While You Write (CWYW) tools again. When this is done, first open your EndNote library then open Word and try the tools.

If you are still getting this error message and have either Word 2002 (XP) or Word 2003, you may try the following:

  1. Open Word 2002 (XP) or Word 2003, and go to the help menu, and run "Detect and Repair".
  2. Check the "Discard my settings and restore default settings" button, and click ok.
  3. Restart your computer and Click the Start menu > Programs (or All Programs) > EndNote > Configure EndNote. Install the Cite While You Write (CWYW) tools again.
  4. First open your EndNote library then open Word and try the tools.


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